Pre-Election Canvass

Join DSA Ventura County THIS WEEKEND in canvassing on behalf of local candidates and the statewide campaign for affordable housing! 

We will start at 10am with a training, distributing canvass materials and practicing some of our canvas talking points in pairs. We have scripts to use, leave behinds to give out, and walking lists to tell you where to go—all to make this as easy and fun as possible. We will then send volunteers out in pairs to canvass for 1.5 to 2 hours. We always send new volunteers with experienced canvassers—so don't worry, this will be a great experience for pros and newbies alike! We will then debrief and clean up for the last 30 minutes. 

We hope to see you there!


Who's RSVPing

Allen Allen

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  • Allen Chinn
    rsvped 2018-08-11 16:59:23 -0700